Two Distinguished Guest Speakers Present at the Hughston Society
The Hughston Society was privileged to have many notable lecturers to present their research and clinical experience at the Biennial Hughston Society Meeting April 20-22. However, two distinguished guest speakers, Bruce Reider, MD, the Foundation Guest Speaker and Brian C. Halpern, MD, the Stephen Hunter Memorial Lecturer were especially esteemed among their sports medicine colleagues.
For the Hughston Foundation Guest Lecture, Dr. Reider presented, “Reading the Literature to Change Your Practice.” Dr. Halpern presented, “Evolution of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine,” for the Hunter Memorial Lecture and he also presented “Application of the PRP Biologic treatments.”

Dr. Reider holds the title of Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Emeritus from the University of Chicago. During his career, he has made 107 national and international presentations and has published 6 text books, 23 book chapters, and 41 peer-review articles. Since 2002, Dr. Reider has been editor-in-chief of The American Journal of Sports Medicine and since 2009, executive editor of medial publishing for the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine.

Dr. Halpern has served as president for the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Foundation. Additionally, he was the associate team physician for the New York Mets. In 1998, Dr. Halpern won an Emmy Award for the documentary Vietnam: Long Time Coming. He authored The Knee Crisis Handbook as well as the Men’s Health Sports Injury Handbook. His articles on sports-related injuries have been published in Men’s Health Magazine and other sports magazines.
Last edited on May 7, 2021