Mission of The Hughston Foundation Art Gala for the Biologically Inclined
The Hughston Foundation Art Gala for the Biologically Inclined was created – by the Harris County High School Work-Based Learning Program and The Hughston Foundation – to support the national STEAM initiative (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math), The Hughston Foundation Art Gala helps students learn by integrating these principle areas. The fields of biological and medical illustration, collectively known as scientific illustration, use artwork as visual tools of communication solely for the service of education. The production of illustrations of measured accuracy, conceptualized illustrations, and animations are created to enable communication between scientist and author, teacher and student, or physician and patient. Because they communicate subtleties and eliminate ambiguities of language, scientific illustrations are an important, often necessary, element in precise communication in scientific education.
The Third Annual Hughston Foundation Art Gala took place on Thursday, November 12th, both virtually and with award winners in attendance to accept their awards. This year, the Foundation had 106 entries from 13 schools across Georgia. For a list of all 2020 winners, please visit our Art Gala page!
Below is a press release for our Harris County Schools participants:
Art Students in Harris County Receive Impressive Number of Honors at the 3rd Annual Art Gala for the Biologically Inclined
HAMILTON, GA (NOVEMBER 17, 2020) – The well-established caliber of the art program within the Harris County School District (HCSD) continues as its students received more than half of the honors at the third annual Art Gala for the Biologically Inclined, a program created and presented as a joint effort by the Harris County High School (HCHS) Work-Based Learning Program and The Hughston Foundation.
Georgia’s middle school and high school students were invited to participate in this biological and medically inspired art competition intended to encourage students to create artwork while integrating the principle areas of the national STEAM initiative (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).
The awards were presented Thursday, November 12, at a private viewing, with social-distancing measures in place, as well as virtually. After a blind judging of the 106 entries, a new record of submissions, 12 of the 19 winners were Harris County students, which include:
Harris County Carver Middle School
Molly Rickard, 8th grade, Second place, Middle School STEAM Award, $750, “You Light Up My Life”
Kaylee Mclean, 7th grade, Third place, Middle School STEAM Award, $500, “My Heart Beats True”
Lindsey Hanson, 8th grade, Honorary Media Award-Mixed Media, Gift Bag, “Decayed Skull”
Zachary Madrigal, 8th grade, Honorary Media Award-Painting, Gift Bag, “Dia de Muertos”
Mary Rehrauer, 8th grade, Honorary Media Award-3D, Gift Bag, “The Breath of Life”
Allie Webb, 7th grade, Honorary Media Award-Drawing, Gift Bag, “Flourishing Thoughts”
Hailey Westmoreland, 8th grade, Honorary Media Award-Photography, Gift Bag, “The Decay of Our Pastime”
Harris County High School
Emily Hughes, 10th grade, First Place, High School STEAM Award, $1,500, “Strength Within”
Massie Wirth, 11th grade, Third Place, High School STEAM Award, $500, “The Heart of Hughston”
Aiva Massey, 12th grade, Honorary Media Award-3D, Gift Bag, “Dance of Life”
Molly McClendon, 10th grade, Champ Baker Award, $350, “Arm Muscles”
Alexiss LaTorre, 9th grade, Champ Baker Award, $350, “Handle with Care”
“Thank you to all of the teachers for encouraging your students every day both in their art and also to enter their work into the Gala,” said Belinda J. Klein, executive director and director of medical imagery for The Hughston Foundation. “Most of all, thank you to the students for being a part of this experience, it is each of you that has made this event a grand success.”
In addition to the awards, the evening included two special presentations. Renowned artist Bo Bartlett addressed the group by pre-recorded video. Speaking directly to the students, he encouraged them to explore all types of learning opportunities to grow their skill, regardless of what discipline of art they may end up working within, especially with regards to human anatomy. Bartlett ended his presentation with a walk through his studio.
The second were representatives from Augusta University, including Professor William Andrews of the school’s College of Allied Health Sciences Department of Medical Illustration, who provided a slideshow presentation of biological illustration and video that is representative of their curriculum as well as relevant to the modern world of medicine.
Sponsors for this event include The Hughston Clinic, Georgia Healthcare Science Technology Education Foundation, Xpress Printing, Office Depot, Safeguard, and Innovative Supplies.
This event is produced jointly by The Hughston Foundation and the Work-Based Learning Program of Harris County High School (HCHS). This opportunity was promoted across Georgia in schools, major hospitals, and doctors’ offices. Entries were received from 13 schools as far north as Cummings and as far east as Savannah.
“Our partnership and the art Gala is one that is very special and unique since we have a mutual interest in student achievement, supporting the STEAM initiative, and sharing the love of art across the state of Georgia,” said Gary Johannes, HCHS Work-Based Learning Program coordinator and current president of the related state-wide organization.
Photo (left to right): Bottom – Gary Johannes (HCHS Work-Base Learning Teacher), Mary Rehrauer (HCCMS), Hailey Westmoreland (HCCMS), Molly Rickard (HCCMS), Kaylee McLean (HCCMS), Allie Webb (HCCMS), Belinda Klein (The Hughston Foundation). Top – Aiva Massey (HCHS), Massie Wirth (HCHS), Jacob Hughes (stood in for sister Emily Hughes, who could not attend, HCHS), Lindsey Hanson (HCCMS), Gina Fulcher (HCCMS Art Teacher). Not pictured – Emily Hughes (HCHS), Alexiss LaTorre (HCHS), Molly McClendon (HCHS), Zachary Madrigal (HCCMS).
The art will be on display through Friday, November 20, in the lobby of The Hughston Foundation, which is located at 6262 Veterans Parkway, Columbus, Ga. The display also is available online at the following links:
High School: https://forms.gle/hUpkRcv4ydBCysUSA
Middle School: https://forms.gle/ekMo5QBk7h4k8xQY9
Last edited on January 26, 2021