When the Feet Hit the Ground…Running: Advanced Evaluation and Treatment of Runners

Event Information
Course Description
This running injury management and prevention course is a two-day, 15 contact hour physical therapy continuing education seminar focused on getting the therapist up to speed on common running terms, running biomechanics, and assessment of the runner from head to toe.
The faculty will present current and clinically useful evidence-based evaluation and treatment techniques for running injury prevention. Course participants will receive:
- Comprehensive, foundational anatomical and biomechanical content
- Overview of a novel movement assessment system, and examination techniques specific to the running athlete.
- Specific intervention strategies for management of running related musculoskeletal dysfunction
- Examination of foot biomechanics, running style, as well as learning to perform clinically relevant video gait analysis
This course will provide updated information on injuries common to the runner, including pathologies of the hip, knee, lower leg, foot and ankle. Information on footwear and semi-custom orthotics is interwoven with other varied specialty interventions and clinical pearls that can be used to achieve immediate results.
At the completion of the course, participants should be able to:
- Describe biomechanical differences between walking and running
- Compare and contrast various running styles/techniques
- Articulate important key factors in foot biomechanics
- Discuss current concepts about how and why to alter running mechanics
- Effectively perform a movement screen and rate functional performance
- Systematically perform detailed biomechanical evaluation of Lower Quarter
- Identify the potential causes of movement dysfunction
- Create comprehensive treatment plans for a wide variety of running related musculoskeletal dysfunctions
- Understand how to perform a 2D video gait analysis, and interpret findings
- Summarize current research on running injuries and evidence based treatment strategies related to these injuries
- Learn and practice running specific exercises for hip and knee
- Learn and practice running specific exercises for leg, ankle and foot
- Demonstrate efficient performance of two taping techniques: Navicular sling and fibulae repositioning
- Describe common categories of running shoes and their role in intervention with varied running injuries
- In the context of clinical case studies, choose examination techniques, describe important findings, relate findings to underlying cause of injury and design effective and creative treatment plans
Paul Drumheller, MPT, OCS, SCS, CSCS is the owner and a practicing therapist at 3Dimensional Physical Therapy in Tacoma, WA. He is a foot & ankle specialist and has been a long-term instructor for “When the Feet Hit the Ground…Everything Changes,” “Managing the Runner,” and has presented at multiple large conferences on foot & ankle and running topics.
Robyn Smith, MS, PT, SCS, CGFI-2 is a practicing therapist who has worked with runners of all levels, from middle school through Olympic athletes. She has lectured on running, golfing, and triathlete injury prevention as well as instructed for SFMA and other NASMI courses. She has co-authored SPTS home-study courses and a book chapter on the “Physically Active Female.”
- This event has passed.