2024 Hughston Society Meeting

Event Information
The biennial meeting is the heart and soul of the society membership. As we all share the common bond of having trained at one of the premiere sports medicine programs in the US, it provides a unique opportunity to connect with old colleagues and establish new friends. In recent years, our organization has made tremendous strides to improve membership engagement and participation, and our current mission is to thrive, not just survive. A robust turnout for the upcoming Society meeting is therefore essential to fulfill these initiatives.
Our meeting will coincide with the 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Hughston Clinic and you are formally invited to attend. The celebration will take place at 6:00pm on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at the Bibb Mill Event Center. The board has worked hard to plan a terrific program; here are some highlights to look forward to:
- Presidential Guest Speaker is Felix H. Savoie, MD, from Tulane University, in New Orleans, Louisiana;
- Hughston Legacy Speaker is Kurt E. Jacobson, MD, current president and partner of the Hughston Clinic in Columbus, Georgia;
- Hunter Memorial Lecture will be presented by Ron Courson, ATC, PT, SCS, who serves as Executive Associate Athletic Director – Sports Medicine with the University of Georgia Athletic Association;
- Baker Memorial Lecture is Peter A. Indelicato MD, who is currently an Emeritus Professor of Sports Medicine in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Florida.
Would you be interested in being a speaker for the 2024 meeting? Please submit your presentation title to Belinda Klein by September 1, 2023 to be considered for the program.
SAFETY PROTOCOL: Organizers will follow current recommended CDC guidelines for the safety of participants and staff.
Visit the Hughston Society page.
Registration Information
Member Registration Information (Coming Soon)
Fill Out the Online Form
Non-member Registration Information (Coming Soon)
- This event has passed.