Community Involvement
Community service is at the core of what we do at the Hughston Foundation. The services we provide are the product of training, education, and research, and inseparable from our mission of improving lives and strengthening communities. At Hughston, we are always looking for ways to give back to our supporters and strive to improve community outreach. Thus, we have a long tradition of helping the athlete prepare for competition, being present on the sidelines for Friday night games, offering Saturday morning sports injury clinics, and sponsoring education seminars for coaches and parents.

Community & Philanthropy
ImPACT Golf Tournament
The Hughston Golf Tournament has been held every year since 2013. This fundraiser event is a big hit with business leaders and educators each year. All funds raised by the tournament go directly to support the Hughston Protect the Athletes campaign. The mission of the campaign is to raise funds to support the athletic sports coverage that Hughston provides to youth programs, such as sideline coverage at high school sporting events, support of preparticipation exams, and Saturday morning injury clinics. Besides providing coverage at sporting events, this fundraising project helps purchase much needed ImPACT concussion software for area high schools and other participating colleges.
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