Support Our Mission
Hughston Foundation is supported in no small way from the generous donations of people like you. If you believe in the mission and goals of the Foundation, and would like to donate, please fill out our online form.
Your tax-deductible donation can be directed toward programs that align with your values,
please see program information below.
Protecting Athletes
To continue our campaign of protecting high school athletes we need financial support. As the official sports medicine provider for the Muscogee County School District and other county sports programs in the Chattahoochee Valley, we station trained professionals on the sidelines who respond immediately when an injury occurs. Our sideline coverage means that help is always only a few feet away. Our program also focuses on injury prevention through preparticipation screenings, wrestling assessments, concussion testing software, and educating the athletes and their coaches. Help us continue to provide immediate, quality care and support when a student athlete is injured.
See Our Fundraisers
Where Your Contributions Go
At the Hughston Foundation, the ongoing objective is national and international leadership in orthopedic and sports medicine. The Foundation building houses a library, departments of Medical Research, Medical Writing, Medical Illustration and Photography, Continuing Education, and Medical Television.
The Foundation’s 5-member staff works with medical professionals on the Hughston campus and throughout the world to discover and share ways to improve health, fitness, and overall well-being.
Through the synergy of patient care, education, and research, the reach and influence of the Foundation continues to grow. The significant body of knowledge we have amassed is used in the training of hundreds of orthopedic residents and postdoctoral fellows, many of whom now practice and teach throughout the United States and many foreign countries. Among our graduates are orthopedic consultants to professional athletic teams and the athletic departments of major universities and high schools; many others are professors at medical schools.
The Foundation sponsors a calendar of continuing education courses for physicians and for athletic and allied healthcare personnel, such as athletic trainers, physical therapists, and coaches. These complex, technical courses blend scientific presentations, live technical demonstrations, and live surgery along with opportunities for professional exchange of ideas.
FDA-regulated clinical trials, retrospective long-term follow-up studies and other research are conducted by the Foundation’s Research Department. Industry sponsors rely on the thorough and professional work carried out by Hughston researchers, and our investigators and staff are highly sought after to participate in the latest orthopedic clinical trials.
The Foundation shares the results of this clinical research with the world through the publication of hundreds of scientific papers in medical journals and chapters in medical textbooks. These documents are researched in the Foundation’s specialty library and edited by its experienced medical writers. The award-winning medical illustrators and photographers who provide illustrations for these publications are noted throughout the profession for their high quality work.
Also in high demand are innovative medical videos produced in the television studio by the capable staff of the Medical Television department. Foundation personnel have created a library of interactive videodiscs for education and training in orthopedics. In recent years, the Foundation staff has created more than 1,000 educational presentations for the physicians of Hughston Clinic for use at national and international medical meetings. These presentations and scientific exhibits are placing critical, up-to-date information in the hands of people who are putting it to work now.
The Hughston Foundation has been a major factor in shaping the course of orthopedic sports medicine for the entire country. The Foundation plays a major role in furthering the collective knowledge of human performance and increasing the understanding of why and how injuries occur, how to prevent them, and how to treat those disabled by them.
Your generous contributions help us carry on this vital work.
Thank You for Your Support
We greatly appreciate any financial assistance you can offer.
Hughston Gives Back
- Manages the athletic healthcare of over 80% of participating athletes.
- Administers low cost pre-participation physical screenings for local athletes.
- Offers Saturday Morning High School Injury Clinic.
- Provides cost-savings to player/guardian by reducing medical co-pays.
Hughston’s Concussion Management Program provides baseline concussion testing for all athletes at no cost to the school or athlete.
Covers special events in the area such as GHSA Wrestling Assessments, GHSA State Championships, GACA North-South Football Game.
A trained medical professional is at every practice and game for all of the following teams:
Muscogee County School District, and we also serve Calvary Christian School, Greenville High School, Harris County High School, Manchester High School, Chattahoochee Valley Community College, Auburn University Recreation club sports, and the Columbus Lions
Sideline Medical Coverage
At The Hughston Foundation we have established safety protocols and procedures to reduce the chance of injury during practices and sporting competitions. If an injury does occur, our athletic trainers and sports medicine physicians are there to provide immediate care. Our community has approximately 5,000 high school and middle school athletes. During the 2016-2017 school year, our athletic training program treated approximately 2,500 injuries. These documented injuries included not only bloody noses and pulled muscles, but also more severe injuries, such as concussions, fractures, asthma attacks, and wounds requiring stitches. Some athletes required follow-up with a physician and rehabilitation to recover fully. Most often, treatment was rendered on the sidelines during practice and sporting events at no cost to the athlete or his or her parents or guardian. Our athletic trainers are on hand to educate athletes and their families or guardians about caring for the injury or illness and to assist in rehabilitation.
Thank You for Your Support
We greatly appreciate any financial assistance you can offer. Help us continue to provide immediate, quality care and support when a student athlete is injured.
The Hughston Foundation is a 501(c)(3) – 100% of your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by law.