February 3, 2025Comparing intramedullary nails and locking plates in displaced proximal humerus fracture Management: A systematic review and meta-analysis
February 3, 2025Workplace violence in orthopaedic surgery: A Survey of Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Membership
February 3, 2025Racial Disparities in Treatment and Outcomes of Patients with Hepatitis C Undergoing Elective Total Joint Arthroplasty.
February 3, 2025A shadow of doubt: Is there implicit bias among orthopaedics surgery faculty and residents regarding race and gender?
February 3, 2025Patient self-reported allergies and their correlations with thoracic outlet syndrome outcomes
February 3, 2025Non-screw glenoid segmentation constructs for shoulder instability with bone loss: A biomechanical assessment of static and elastic cerclage constructs