Orthopaedic, sports medicine, primary care, and trauma physicians gathered with physical therapist in Columbus for the 2024 Hughston Society Biennial Meeting at the Hughston Foundation on April 18-20, 2024. The program committee prepared an outstanding scientific program and enjoyable social events for attendees and their families. Here are some highlights from the meeting: The Presidential Guest Speaker was Felix H. Savoie, MD, from Tulane University in New Orleans; Hughston Legacy Speaker was Carlton Savory, MD, retired partner of Hughston Clinic in Columbus; The Hunter Memorial Lecture was presented by Ron Courson, ATC, PT, SCS, who serves as Executive Associate Athletic Director-Sports Medicine with University Georgia Athletic Association; The Baker Memorial Lecture was presented by Peter A. Indelicato, MD, who is Emeritus Professor of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Florida; and the 75th Anniversary Speaker was Bernard F. Morrey, MD, who conducted his surgical practice at Mayo from 1978-2009, and continues part time at the University of Texas Health Center, San Antonio, Texas.
A noteworthy part of the program was the Hughston Clinic’s 75th Anniversary celebration on April 20. The program offered approximately 15.75 AMA Category I CME credits to attendees and speakers.
Last edited on March 13, 2025